Originally debuted during the Super Bowl LIV halftime show earlier in 2020, this flamboyant version of the Air Jordan I is a trailblazing collaboration between the Jumpman and J Balvin, as the Colombian reggaeton star is the first Latino artist to secure an official collab with Jordan Brand.
I was thinking about how I could have a disruptive Air Jordan I. I wanted to be the person who really dared to change the shapes and go all out. No one has touched the Air Jordan I like this before.
J Balvin
And disrupt the Air Jordan I he did. This special edition is turning heads with unrivaled colorfulness, jagged-edge trimming, and J Balvin’s signature logo placed on the tongue as well as on the heel of the shoe. The AJI comes with additional laces and interchangeable smiley patches that let you show off your own creativity and customize the look of your personal pair of the Air Jordan I by J Balvin.
The Air Jordan I by J Balvin releases at BSTN on Tuesday, December 8th. For your chance to purchase a pair, make sure to enter the BSTN Raffle before Monday, December 7th, at 3 pm CET via the button below!