BSTN reached out to upcoming artist @youknowmewell to create a one-of-a-kind neon artwork for the Reebok Classic Leather Legacy release.
The idea behind this unique artwork was to take an old Reebok poster from the original advertising as a foundation and mix it up with modern design elements inspired by the 2020 Classic Reebok silhouette. As a result you get real heritage paired with YOUKNOWMEWELL’s own futuristic design language.
Kami aka YOUKNOWMEWELL is a Berlin-based artist and designer. Originally from a little south german town in the Black Forest region he now works in his studio in the heart of Berlin. From the capital city he creates large scale collages spiked with shiny neon lights. The detailed and complex works are created with a mix of tools and bask in the radiance of the assembled neon tube glow.
The one-of-one artwork comes in huge 120×84,5cm dimensions to make sure it will stand out in your flat. Check out the behind the scenes footage below for a closer look on the creation process.
To be able to create legacy it comes down to a great communication, a great understanding of each others work and respect. This is the basic language between people to be part of a legacy.