The B-Hive is a series of panel talks broadcast from the (eponymous) dedicated community hub within the BSTN London flagship store. Hosted by Swarzy Macaly and produced by We Working, the series of in-depth conversations is recorded in front of a live audience and made available on YouTube and Spotify.
Episode #03 of the panel talk and video podcast series breaks down the wide-ranging topic of sustainability into different segments and also offers tangible advice. Panelists Jordan Taylor from Vamp, Moosa Nsubuga from Re:Sole, and Dani Dawks (who also led a workshop for International Women’s Day in the B-Hive community hub) discuss the economic privilege of sustainability, the art of up-cycling and numerous additional topics.
Future episodes will cover a variety of topics and feature different panel guests from the worlds of athletics, fashion, music, fashion, and numerous other fields from within the BSTN culture. Join the events live and in person in the Brixton store or participate in the conversation on our digital channels!